Sunday, February 23, 2020

WK6: Stencil

I chose the Monarch butterfly as a stencil because I think it ties back into the iconography we so much see in Chicana and Chicano Art and because of the constant relevance this critter has in my life, not just in this particular phase but ongoing. I relate with this flying insect because of, as corny as it sounds, it's transformation. I am pregnant and will soon be giving be birth to a little egg who will in turn to a caterpillar and on her own time will also turn into a butterfly-- whatever that transformation looks like, not just that of being a mother. I am so amazed by nature and the human body. Writing this blog has made me change my mind on my stencil, changing it from a butterfly to maybe a human with Monarch butterfly wings. Aside from the butterfly representing change, I think it also represents an inner and outer beauty. the caterpillar is a strange looking bug but inside it is withholding a tremendous amount of color and when it is ready will express that. I think in a sense I feel that way. I am not the cutest on the outside but I know how much love I am capable of giving and how much goodness is in my heart. It may be a bit superficial to compare it to color and what humans perceive as "beautiful" but I don't think too far into it. Anyways, that is my rant on my stencil which I will post once I have cut.

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