Thursday, February 27, 2020

WK7: Generations, Arlette Lucero

My presentation will be focused on Arlette Lucero. She uses such vibrant colors and her aesthetic style is very captivating. I admire her painting, “Chicana.” She also paints many women and draws focus onto motherhood, the divisiveness between cultures (Native American, Mexican- American, Chicana/o). I believe the paintings: “Duality,” “Generations” and “Chicana” are all paintings which may be relatable to many Chicanas during El Movimiento and today.

One painting that especially draws my attention is “Generations,” we see three women and a child which we assume is a granddaughter, a daughter, a mother and a grandmother. In the image we see the physical manifestation of “passing on” physical traits but we can go further and assume the cultural, traditional, and spiritual traits which may be passed on from oldest to youngest. The granddaughter is sitting on a tree stump which roots we see are very thick, which may represent the strength of familial ties. The oldest woman seems to be holding or pointing towards the moon and the earth with either hand and the sun is prominent behind her, signifying her ties to nature and again another maternal figure: mother nature. I did not find much information on this painting but these are the feelings I extract from this painting.

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