Thursday, February 27, 2020


The artist I would like to focus on is Jeaneen Carlino, who one of my classmates presented last week. I decided to look further into the artist because I really liked her style of art and the Mujeres of femme style that the artist brought in. This piece in particular Happiness for you and me caught my attention because of the dimension and depth that were drawn on a flat surface, it seems like the individual is floating on the carpet or sitting on a picnic blanket. That idea is reflected in her dress and color pallets of the butterflies. I think it may be addressing happiness through psychedelics because of the colorful mushrooms that are in the corner of the frame. The mind can be relaxed and open to a euphoric state under these drugs. It could be an open commentary to the stigmas against these drugs without the consideration that they can have medical benefits. I also just really like the use of colors and shadings the artists use when it comes to the grass and individual.

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