Monday, March 9, 2020

New Stencil Symbol

I've decided to change my stencil symbol that will be on the cover of my sketchbook. Originally I was going to do the California flag with the letters of 209 below it to represent the area where I come from, but it was simply to complex to create. So I thought about what stencil I could create that would be much simpler but at the same time would still look cool on the cover and while still holding true and value meaning. So I came up with this drawing to use as my stencil. It is a 2D cursive letter of A. The reason why I chose to do the letter A is that it is in the realm of my artistic abilities to produce this stencil and this specific letter has so much meaning behind it. The letter A is the letter that begins my mother's name, my oldest sister's name, and my other sister's name. These names are Ann, Andrea, and Ariana. And these are the most important female figures in my life that help keep me grounded and continue to encourage me to be a better man every day. And this letter of A has just even added much greater significant meaning to it because my sister Ariana is having a baby girl this month which will be my first niece and her name is going to be Aleiya. So yet again another important female in my life is going to have a name that begins with A. So I decided to choose this letter A as my stencil to show appreciation to all the important female figures in my life and to my future niece that is due this month! And I will display this stencil in the very last pages of my sketchbook with a watercolor painting of the stencil, a pencil outline of the stencil, and a spray paint version of the stencil as well. .

1 comment:

  1. This is really creative! It's such a nice gesture to show appreciation to the female figures in your life.
