Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Week 10: Reflection

When I first decided to take this class I thought it would be a great way to learn more about Chicana artists. The class has really taught me about numerous Chicana/ Latina artists over the quarter. I really loved being able to learn about all the different techniques, symbolism, and art types, especially being able to practice them in our sketchbook. Although some of the sketchbook assignments have been a challenge, they have been really fun to do because it is a way for me to take a break from my other homework and relax a little. Hopefully my basic art skills will be enough and I look forward to sharing it with everyone this week. I hope to continue practicing more during any free time that I find so that I can improve my skills. I am very happy that I ended up deciding to take this class because I was able to learn so much and it was a refreshing change from the other classes I am taking. This class has also taught me that there are still so many Chicana artists that I have yet to learn about so I am determined to start looking for more and continue to learn. Chicana artists are not appreciated or given enough recognition so I hope to share the ones I have learned about with my friends and family. Overall I really enjoyed taking this class and everything we have learned, especially because I was able to take this class with some of my friends. 

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