Tuesday, March 10, 2020

W10 Reflection

Taking this course really opened my eyes to a lot of cool techniques and challenged me to be comfortable with my drawing and sketching. I think I realized that I was self critiquing and limiting my drawing potential because of the imposed standards of what I thought my art should look like. I really appreciated that this class was focused specifically on Chicanas/ Latinas because too often women of color are ignored, undervalued, underpaid and left out of the mainstream, but with this class I felt like it really centered and lifted up the brilliant art and labor Chicanas/ Latinas/ Latinxs have put forth, both historically and with more contemporary exhibits. Overall this class helped me go into depth about my critical analyses of images and I appreciate the visual aspects of it since it helps break up the monotony of typical learning practices. For the most part I enjoyed the discussions, but I think perhaps an area of improvement would be more engagement and activity. I think it would've been cool if we took a short field trip during one of the class times or maybe go outside more. Its hard for me to focus for long periods of time so having a 4 hour class was a little draining and I had to get up often to help my body adjust. I also really need to be in the sunshine and I feel like the room had poor lighting. Besides that though, this class was a highlight for sure. I'm glad I got to increase my knowledge about Chicana/Latina/x artists and learn more of a herstoriography.
I'm thankful for Professor Lopez Gaspar de Alba and out TA Paola being understanding and flexible with assignments and the different loads students are forced to carry sometimes. Hope you all have a happy spring break!!

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