Friday, March 6, 2020

Week 10 Reflection

WOW! I can't believe this class is coming to an end. I remember walking into this class terrified because my idea of drawing was still stick figures and smiley faces. I like how this class pushed me out of my comfort zone and really forced me to think about art. There was so much I didn't know and probably still don't since we only had 10 weeks to cover as much as we could.

The drawing part of the class was what I was scared about but it wasn't that bad. I drew my hands so often that I noticed interesting things about them. Like my middle finger is longer than the rest of them, and I also became more aware of how my fingers were shaped. I also liked being able to design our stencil. Mine was inspired by my grandma and things at home, and also my dog Canelaaa! It was just nice taking a class, not knowing how to do art, and being comfortable with making something goofy and not focusing on perfection.

Finally I loved learning about the artists themselves. Not only did I feel empowered by the women we read and learned about but also I wanted to explore their work further. I even went out and bought a print from my artist Liliana Navarro because they were just that awesome! Not only am I excited with the knowledge I am taking away from this class but also the newfound respect for the art these women put out, and now when I see art, I can stop and appreciate it just a little more.

Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. I was the same way... seriously all about the stick figures until this class! I really enjoyed it more than I thought I would, given the long class session! I plan to continue drawing more often in my life and doing more stencils.
