Friday, March 6, 2020

Week 10 Reflection

Through these ten weeks of being enrolled in Chicana Art & Artist class, I have learned so much about so many wonderful women artists of color and about the definition of art itself. So many of these women artists challenge gender, race/ethnic, and socioeconomic stereotypes. SO much of art is modern and Eurocentric, it hasn’t allowed women and especially women of color to be at the forefront of art. This class has shown me that there are so many women out there doing what they love without the means of going to school and having formal training. It is inspiring to see that these women are highlighted because it shows those of color that it's OK to challenge male/ gender norms of art. 
I came into this class nervous because I never  have considered myself an artist. I grew up playing soccer and never really explored art as a medium. When I saw on the syllabus that we were required to obtain a sketchbook, I was like “oh no what did I get myself into.” But through the weeks of drawing, shading, stenciling, I have surprised myself, showing myself that I can actually draw. The practice of drawing has also been extremely therapeutic, and a practice that I would like to continue to practice throughout my life. This class has shown me that you don't have to go to school to learn techniques and many artists don't, they are self taught. Thank you for showing me that I too can be an artist.

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