Saturday, March 7, 2020

Week 10: Reflection

I believed that it was going to be a typical class where one reads various books, writes essays, and does no art at all (only reads about it). Though, I still decided to be enrolled in the class because I wanted to learn about a different side of Chicanos/as. Never in my past did I learn about their art so I thought it'd be a good idea if I did. When attending and learning about how many Chicanas are involved in art, I was shocked. I figured that if we learned about all the Chicanas involved then both Chicanos and Chicanas combined made a larger community in the art field.
This class became even more interesting when we were required to actually draw and get involved as we learned about Chicana artists. I believe that doing so connected us even more to the artist because it was as if we were experiencing what they experienced during the process of drawing. There were many skills we learned, many ways to draw something, and we had to think about what we were going to draw and why. The thing that I liked the most was the drawing even though I am not an artist at all, I felt like the practice made me the progress over the 10-week course. I also enjoyed the art partly because I was able to express my emotions in the art form. For example, for my stencil, I used calla lily because they are my mother's favorite and every time I see them I remember my mother.
This class, overall, exceeded my expectations. I had as much fun as I did learning about Chicana artists.

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