Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Week 8 Presentation Reflections

Unfortunately, I was not able to make it into class this past Friday. I wish I could have seen the presentations of  my classmates. I was feeling under the weather when I woke up and I had a difficult choice to make. I could come in to give my presentation that I worked hard on for several weeks. Or I could stay home and take steps to make myself feel better and get over this sickness. The presentation is a pretty significant portion of our grade, so missing out on those points was a pretty big deal. However, I had to make the choice that I thought was best for everyone around me. Had I come into class to get my points, then I would have run the risk of getting someone else in class sick. With all of the news going around about specific deadly diseases, it is important to remember how quickly and easily infectious diseases can spread through groups of people in confined spaces.

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