Tuesday, March 3, 2020

WK 8 :LADY PINK : Presentation Reflection

LADY PINK : Presentation Reflection

Last week's presentation on " Lady Pink '' Sandra Fabera was my favorite presentation because I myself do graffiti and I have an interest in public artists as well as muralists. The Artist Lady pink had so much bravery. Graffiti is not only punishable by law, it's really dangerous. You can also get caught by other gangs and graffiti artists who have killed other graffiti artists. This type of art is not only rebellious, it's deadly in some cases. She was in a world dominated by men and she not only survived she became a legend. I learned of Lady Pink growing up and learning graffiti myself and I heard of her talent and her ability to "Bomb" trains and cars with skill and unnoticed. She was able to pull off aesthetically please graffiti art works in a limited amount of time in order not to get caught. It's crazy to think of how she and her crew "Wild Style '' pioneered graffiti today and those styles eventually came to "Los Angeles". She grew up in a hip hop era where music art was thriving as a form of expression but also as a form of resistance and space. She took up space as a feminist graffiti writer because she was one of the only woman doing this. While men were tagging she was "Bombing" and creating "pieces' ': meaning more creative artistic pieces. Art should not be punished and that's why I really appreciate graffiti Art. They challenge the dominant narratives that exist as well. Lady Pink was not only revered by women but she also gained the respect of men in her world of graffiti and hip hop culture in New York. Now people in Los Angeles NewYork respect her but also the entire world of graffiti artists and artists who know of her. What I also appreciate about her is that she still continues to do Art today and still shows the beauty of what graffiti artists can do. She still challenges the systems at hand that are designed to keep people in a certain line. She was famous before she was seventeen and touring the world for her art but she still continued to do graffiti on walls and trains because she loved that more than anything. I would love to meet “Lady Pink” one day. 

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