Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Week 9 Blog Post: Presentation Reflection

     This week I was able to hear from various of my classmates speak on and present on different artists. These presentations were very interesting and I was educated on artists I have never even heard before. I really enjoyed learning about the various painters, public artists, and photographers. However, the presentation that really caught my attention was the presentation done on Cassandra Giraldo. Cassandra Giraldo was presented by Bobby Reyes where we learned that she is a Photojournalist/ Photographer based in Brooklyn, New York. Her photography focuses on Juvenile justice, mental health, education and coming of age. I was really interested and inspired by Giraldo's project known as the "The after school project" which is a project that focuses on teenagers in a Brooklyn school and examines how urban youth spend their time outside the gaze of adult authorities such as teachers and parents. I enjoyed and found this project interesting because I think it is really important to examine how kids act outside the view of adult authority figures because that is when you get to see their true color and true personalities. And I just really liked how Giraldo in this project put a spotlight on urban teenagers because they are often overlooked and their importance in society is oftentimes ignored and downplayed. So, I am grateful that Bobby Reyes was able to shed some light on Cassandra Giraldo and present this photography project to us. I am excited to hear all the presentations next week as well!

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