Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Week 9: Cristina Cardenas

           An artist that stood out to me last week during presentations was Cristina Cardenas. I really liked her vibrant colors and how lively her pieces were. It was not until I started to write this discussion post I realized this is the artist I was originally going to do on my presentation and final paper on until I realized another classmate had already chosen her. However, while listening to the presentation I realized that this artist is very similar to the artist I presented and wrote my paper on (Julie Zarate) because they both empower women while mixing in their Mexican roots into their pieces. 
            The piece that specifically stood out to me while during the presentation was a mural of a mix of all sorts of Mexican culture such as folklorico dancers, a piñata, paying homage to field workers, and even touching on Aztec culture. Something I really liked about this piece is that there are a lot of special little details you would not normally notice at first glance. This made me appreciate the piece more because it made me want to keep looking into it to see what other parts I could pick up on. Another interesting thing about this mural is that it is put together by tiles instead of just being painted on the wall. This makes me really admire the work because I feel like it would be harder and more intricate to create. It also reminds me of stained glass like how fancy doors sometimes have it designed. 


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