Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Week 9: Sandra Eleta

Sandra Eleta really stood out to me from last weeks presentations. While I typically tend to like photographers who don't necessarily come from institutional backgrounds, I really enjoy her work.Part of the reason I love her work, is because of how intricate and complex her photographs are. They really aren't the type of images you can easily recreate. You really have to have an intense knowledge of lighting, composition, and art history to pull of these images. In this image specifically, you can see the attention to detail that she places in her images. She aligns the tree leaf as to appear as wings. I also realized she does a lot of black and white photography. It's sort of her signature, which is really brave in my opinion. Some of her images also feel surreal and like they're out of a fictional story. Every single one of her images has amazing composition. This is especially astonishing, since she is shooting in film, which is something that requires a lot of precision compared to digital photography(where you can manipulate and edit images). A lot of her imagestake on this historical approach. It's as if she uses photography as a means of documenting villages and happenings within her community. I like the way she merges this surreal feeling with a very historical and accurate feeling in her images. 
Image result for sandra eleta

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