Thursday, March 5, 2020

Week 9--Judithe Hernandez

What interested me most in the second speech is this painting L.A. Sonata (2013) by Judithe Hernandez. As an Asian girl, I love Japanese culture very much and so sensitive with it. When I saw this image during the presentation, I was very surprised that she applied Japanese culture to her own work, because Chicana artists gave me the impression of expressing women's freedom, full of typical latino portraits. In this image, she combines all different culture together, She painted a picture of a Japanese girl wearing a traditional Japanese kimono, with delicate Japanese makeup and holding a small umbrella, which  restores the image of a 100 percent traditional Japanese girl. But the background is the iconic plant of Los Angeles------the cactus.  I think the Japanese culture that she USES is very well integrated with the flora of Los Angeles. From my observation of this image, I think many people who resisted in L.A. are immigrated from other country and have their own culture, being an American does not mean you have to "abandon" your own culture, the city of Los Angeles thrives and is beautiful because of its cultural diversity. I think Hernandez want to encourage people to celebrate the cultural diversity and respect to different culture no matter where it is.


  1. Thanks for the post Jiaxin! Totally agree that Hernandez is using this cultural image, and I am still trying to figure out whether this use of a culture's images is a mark of a cultural "melting pot" or cultural appropriation. Would love to hear your thoughts.

  2. I loved this painting! I think it's a reflection of Los Angeles as a cosmopolitan city, where our cultures syncretize all the time. It can't be helped.
