Thursday, March 5, 2020

Week 9

Out of all the artists from last week, Judy Baca really stood out to me because her murals were so intricate and beautiful. After seeing her work in class I really wanted to know more about the murals she has created so I looked at the website to get a better understanding of who she is. This made me appreciate her work even more because with each mural/ art piece, she is making a political statement about issues the LA community faces, especially community members that have been historically disenfranchised. 

My favorite mural is The Great Wall of Los Angeles because it tells the history and contributions that people from numerous ethnicities and backgrounds had throughout history. Each image pays tribute to all the history that may have been erased or forgotten. This project was also an amazing way to have the community be involved and come together. There were over 400 people who were employed to help create the mural to do history research and the painting. I think this would have been a great way to learn more about your own history while contributing to an incredible artwork. I would love to see the mural in person because I feel like the pictures online may not fully capture the impact it has. I also want to research more of the murals Judy Baca has created over the years and possibly be able to see more than just one in person. Her murals are bringing communities together and showcasing an appreciation for all their contributions. 

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