Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Week 9 - Judy Baca

Judy Baca is a Chicana artist who was born in Huntington Park, California on September 20, 1946. She studied at California State University, Northridge and is now currently a professor at UCLA. The reason I decided to write about her is because I thought it was interesting that she is a professor at this very school that we are attending. Judy Baca was presented in our class as a public artist. She has been an art professor in the UC system since 1984 and was the founder of the City of Los Angeles Mural Program in 1974. In Judy Baca's work she portrays the struggles of people like women, the working poor, LGBT, and immigrants. The artwork I picked was one with two people dancing in what seems to be a desert and a city in the background. The colors in this piece really stood out to me especially since there is a sort of rainbow circle going on behind the two dancers.

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