Sunday, January 24, 2021

Week 4 Post: Denver Art Museum Panel Presentation

 Watching the Denver Art Museum or Smithsonian Art Museum panel Presentation was introductory to Artists and showing their past and current artworks. These artists discussed their inspiration with Modernist artists, one example being Frida Kahlo. Alma Lopez is a Chicana Feminists artist, famous whose work is Our lady  1999. Lopez is a writer of Our lady of controversy whose Artwork is also in the Printing the Revolution, The rise and impact of Chicano Graphics 1965 and Now in the Smithsonian American Art Museum. Alma Lopez would often visit and view the painting by Frida Kahlo, "The Two Frida's" 1939, since it was a painting that featured two women holding, It was a painting that amazed and intrigued Lopez. I was fascinated by Alma Lopez's Artwork of the two nuns inspired by the Juana Ines de la Cruz. Cruz was a queer nun who became a nun to further her education.

 Pablo Helgurea is a Mexican New York artist who made artworks where he channeled different identities. Some of the fictional characters that Pablo Helguera conveyed were Egyptian women, a gay man, and others when creating pillowcase installation. And Damian Ortega Mexican sculpture artists created works that seem to lack gravity, like his Dissambled car installation where the car is not attached and appears to be floating. Helgurea also did a graphic that is  Silence is Violence that was inspired by the poster of Uncle Sam's "I'm counting on you." This poster was in regards to Black Lives Matter. Helgurea had posted them around his neighborhood in New York City. He also did works that were vibrant color chairs. All the artists gave me a different perspective on art and art making, being that many artists are motivated to explore and do multimedia artworks. For instance, these artists' artworks ranged from sculpture, digital graphics, Drawings, and installation.

Alma Lopez, Sor Juana  
Alma Lopez, Our Lady 1999

Damian Ortega , Cosmic Thing 2002

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