Sunday, January 31, 2021

Week Five: Virgin of Guadalupe.

 “La Morenita” or “La Virgensita” are two of the names that my family used when referring to the Virgin of Guadalupe. My family is from Mexico City. In the City there are two of Churches that serve as the place of devotion for many Catholics. The first, an original church with colonial architecture was target of an act of violence. A man placed a bomb in the church but the image of the Virgin remained untouched. A second church was built, more modern in architecture. This new church holds the original Sarape of Juan Diego with the image of of the Virgin imprinted on it. 

My experience are minimal, as I no longer practice the religion my family raised me with. More recently, I have read in literature through out my years in college, that this symbol has many interpretations. Is it a lingering effect of colonialism? Or perhaps a symbol used to go against the patriarchy. I do not know however, I am not a stranger to the importance that the Virgen holds.

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