Sunday, February 7, 2021

Week 6 Blog Post- Jessica Jimenez

 Rasquachismo is basically making due with what you have and being resourceful. By making due with what's at hand means that one is using everyday objects/materials. Rasquache can be viewed in a negative way from people in the upper class. Social class is something that plays a role in the United States and Mexico as a signifier of rasquache. To be considered rasquache one is unique and is breaking what is considered "normal." Rasquachismo is viewed as an attitude or taste (its origin actually has a negative connotation meaning you were lower class or having a bad attitude or taste). After learning this term I now realize I have adapted a rasquache attitude growing up. Through lived experiences I have been able to create make shift objects whether that be when creating art, instead of throwing away the empty soap bottle you just add water to the bottle and there is now more soap, or instead of throwing away pants you just ripped you can cut them into shorts or make a cute design. To others outside the Mexican American culture this might seem "ghetto." When in actuality this is basically a method of survival. When I think of rasquache I think of my grandpa because he is always inventive and reminds me that if he were to every run out of something he knows how to survive because he makes due with what he has. Another example of rasquachismo is when I wanted to buy a hair product that would create a perfect bun for you but at the time I did not have the money to buy one so I searched around the house and decided to try a old sock. I cut a hole and rolled it as such to make it look like the hair product I wanted to purchase. The sock worked perfectly and I was able to be resourceful with old items I found in my house.

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