Sunday, February 7, 2021

Week 6 Blog Post Rasquachismo and Domesticana


 And image from my Abuela's  house that my mom took  
In the reading text Chicano and Chicana A Critical Anthology by Jennifer. Gonzalez. Rasquachismo has considered lower status it’s not “and attitude or taste” and viewed as an underdog and is viewed negatively in the united states and in Mexico.  An example of Don Chipote is used to showcase a part of Rasquache. It was interesting because I’ve never heard of these terms this term can be seen as empowering. This Rasquachismo it’s showing the aesthetics of Chicanx art. Since is two do “ things with whats hands” and things are often recycled. In my household, my mom would often recycle things reuse containers and since my house is filled with plants and wouldn’t have a watering container she would just use an old food container. There was always the vibrant colors of pots and also have a conner with candles and plants my grandma currently has a place with candles and incense.

Domesticana can be categorized as” the Domestic tension Signifies the contradiction between the supportive aspects of the feminine and the struggle to redefine restrictive roles. Those are embedded in women. Domestica is a part of the Rasqachismo in the show “ the struggle for identity, Sexuality, and power within Chicana Domesticana” this something I still see today so I’m glad that can now know the correct term for this. For artists to expand their artistry. Domesticana also shows a “ redefining of the feminine must come from the Represntaional vocabularies of women if we are to undo the wound of the Patriarchy and colonization”.  So it’s a reframing and from what has been enforced on the feminine and women. And this is now changed with Domesticana or to show this through art. I know when I make art or incorporate art it’s difficult to not have people categorize and critique women’s art. And it can negatively be critiqued in Chicanx art.

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