Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Week 6 Rasquachismo


Rasquachismo can be many things a persons attitude, how one uses the objects around them, or a style of art. Tomás Ybarra-Frausto defines rasquachismo as "a bawdy, spunky consciousness seeking to subvert and turn ruling paradigms upside down...a working class sensibility...brash and hybrid." 

This definition describes my home and roommates perfectly. We all come from a working class background and love to bring home objects we've found or repurpose objects that we already have. The dining room is a great example. I found a gallon of pepto bismol pink paint in my garage. When the first stay at home order came I decided I needed a splash wall and painted the largest wall in my dining room this ghastly pink.  Something was missing  so I hang a picture of the last supper I found years ago in someone's trash. I finally found the perfect spot for it above our dining table.  My roommate's mother was throwing out the prints of the virgin so she brought them home to add to the catholic motif that we grew up with but as adults shy away from in our spiritual lives. 

Lastly the most rasquache thing in the house is the cat. Her name is Piper though I call her Chaka after the Land of the Lost character, because she's like a little human but all animal. As I was taking the photo of the wall she jumped up on the table, perfectly in the middle of the frame. She started chewing on the plants when I didn't pay attention to her she. Piper consistently takes my seat and will lay on my jacket for hours. Secretly I love her attitude. She is obnoxious and will go out of her way to mess with you. She is also loving and will sleep by your side all night. She portrays that push and pull of making you crazy and loving her. 


  1. Hi, Amina, your cat piper is so pretty!! I agree that repurposing material or objects is one the best things, it’s great that you found a way to use the pink paint during quarantine, for some reason every time I look at Pepto-Bismol pink I feel calm. Love the color pink contrasting with the plants!

  2. Hey Amina, great work defining rasquachismo! I loved the quote by Tomás you included and how rasquachismo is a working-class sensibility used to turn ruling paradigms upside down! This definition reminded me of Cantinflas movies and how he used his comedy to create a social commentary about the colonist white ruling class. My grandma loves watching Cantinflas old movies and so do I, but I am so happy that u know more about rasquachismo and how I can pinpoint it in his comedic style! Also, I love the pink color you placed on the wall, quarantine made me go crazy seeing the same space every day, so I have redecorated and painted like three times so far haha! Also, your cat piper is so adorable my cat Muta acts the same way, so obnoxious but how can you not love them
