Monday, February 8, 2021

Week 6: Rasquachismo

 Rasquachismo can be defined as an approach to art making in which one “makes do” with what they have at hand. Tomas Ybarra-Frausto defines it as more of an attitude or taste rather than a specific style, as it is rooted in resourcefulness and adaptability. Rasquache art employs an underdog perspective and pre supposes the world view of the have not, it has a working class sensibility. Art that is rasquache often favors the elaborate over the simple, and it is common for rasquache art to have a profusion of textures, colors, as well as a plethora of materials employed. 

In my own personal artwork, my practice came out of a sort of rasquache approach. As a college student that was constantly working multiple jobs in order to support myself, not only was I always on the go but I also didn’t have a lot of money to pour into expensive art materials that would be used quickly. Ballpoint became a way that I could express myself creatively and make pieces of art with a tool that costs less than $0.10. Additionally, I appreciate that wherever I am I have everything I need to create a complete piece of art. While my art is not elaborate when it comes to colors, I do try to make my pieces elaborate, pushing the pen to new possibilities. I also feel that the pen is a lowbrow or “underdog” tool in itself, as it is not a tool commonly associated with art making or high art. Heavily inspired by the Chicana experience, many of my works deal with themes of loss, love,  as well Chicana identity and style. I'd love to continue to make art with other materials available at hand and see where that takes my art.

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