Monday, February 8, 2021

Week 6 Rasquachismo

Rasquachismo is very predominate in the Chicanx communities as it becomes into a response of the harsh realities. To being Rasqauchismo is an art form in minimalism that consists of reusing object, such as everyday items like a water gallon, in order to create something new. Rasquachismo has been created into a sense of style and idea because of its popularity. Many people deal with financial problems where they have to adapt to their situations and become resourceful with what they have available. 

            An experience I think most of share from our parents being impact by Raspauchismo is the Dona Maria’s mole sauce where our parents would use the sauce and after save and wash the cup to be used as an everyday cup. Two more experiences that are very common that I see on social media are the tin cans of cookies which are reused for sewing supplies or butter containers being used to store leftover beans.  In my own experiences, my mom has always reused everything from cups to shoe boxes. Every time my siblings and I would bring beverages from a restaurant my mom would wash the cups and reuse them for our everyday cups. She would even do the same for the plastic straws and utensils. I knew I would see these items packed into my lunches the next days or be my mom’s on the go set of Tupperware. On the way to school I would be having a Starbucks cup with a homemade milkshake in it. Not only do I these things happening in my mom’s household but I also see it in my whole family when I go vist them. I did not know what rasquachismo until I began to study Chicanx studies and I was surprised that my whole upbringing was surrounded by this art form. 

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