Monday, March 8, 2021

Wk 10 Blog Post- Reflecting on Chicanx Art and Artist- Nepantla

It was difficult to pick one specific topic or theory to focus on because there were so many that really inspired me and resonated with me. If I have to choose one, I would choose week 8's reading on Gloria Anzaldua's theory of Nepantla. To be in between two worlds, that Chicanx often find themselves in. Having to juggle these identities, while also rejecting the ones that have been imposed on us or passed down to us. We also have this burden as Chicanx to carry on a history and preserve a history that has been forcefully stripped from our ancestors, through colonization. Therefore, feeling this need to express that representation and history through our work or artwork, but also not wanting to be forced to only be that, which can be an in between state as well.  So much of my Chicana Feminism has been rooted in my indignity, therefore Anzaldua speaks to a part of that identity.  

Overall there was a lot of enlightening topics like rasquachismo or learning about graffiti artist and muralist and how they both can be seen as a form of art and protest. Although, the final for the class was to present on an artist of our choosing, that put some pressure on me as a student, I really enjoyed learning about other artist through my peers’ presentations. I felt I learned just as much from them then I did from the professor. I have been looking up many of the artist mentioned in the presentations and this class has definitely made me want to follow Chicana Art and Artist more. I feel saddened that I was not exposed to Chicana artist and art. The fact that I could name more male Chicano artist then women was a problem that I myself did not even know. Because they play a very big role in our culture, identity and even in our social political movements. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Evangeline! I agree that its sort of disappointing that I had not learned about many Chicana Artists before this course especially since learning about the many talented artists.I have read some of Gloria anzaldua's writing and find also her predecessor of whats come of the Chicanx artists in an impactful way! to sort of create this arrebato of past beliefs.
