Thursday, September 30, 2021

Rossini-Hein, Amanda Lara

Hi, everyone!

My name is Amanda Lara Rossini-Hein (she/her/hers) and I am a third year majoring in English. However, this is my first year at UCLA as I just transferred from a community college in Orange County. Although I love big cities, I don't feel as though Los Angeles is ever truly going to be home. After graduation, I want to go to grad school for a Master's in Global Fashion Marketing, so I can work in the buying and merchandising aspect of the business. There are no guarantees, and I may find myself in New York or Paris or wherever else my heartstrings draw me nearer to for a completely different reason. 

My mother immigrated to the United States from Brazil in her mid-twenties and her fantastical stories about reinventing herself in a foreign country with a language she barely knew five words in inspired me to never get too comfortable with the idea of one place being home. Growing up in a multicultural way made me curious about other cultures, and my mother's career in teaching Spanish to high schoolers brought my attention to Chicanx and Latinx histories. Through serendipity, I find myself here and I am thrilled to learn about Chicana artists. Perhaps if I like this class enough, I will pursue a minor in or related to Chicano Studies. 

I love art. I grew up performing ballet and singing in a choir. I spent hours-- and still do-- painting and drawing in my leisure time and when I was cooped up in a classroom, I would doodle scenic little cartoons in the margins of my classwork or give my left wrist a classic marker tattoo. Being immersed in art made by people who belong to a culture I am interested in learning more about seems like a lovely way to kick off my first quarter. 

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