Monday, October 11, 2021

Virgin of Guadalupe - Week 3

     The Virgin of Guadalupe is very significant to me. I have grown up in a devoted Catholic home on my father’s side, where her image continues to be very prominent. Even though I  grew up going to church almost every day, I realized why she was honored within the catholic religion. My grandmother would wake up every day to pray the rosary and the Virgin of Guadalupe at six in the morning. There were often candles with her image around too, or even small statues of her in every bedroom. After school, my brothers and I would go to the parish with my dad, the priests’ personal chef. At one moment in my life, I prayed to her too. I even purchased holy bracelets that included a small image of her which indicated she was protecting me. Since part of my family honors her presence, they also made sure to preach to us her life; they expected the women in the family to follow those principles.  However, I have very mixed feelings when it comes to the virgin of Guadalupe.Nonetheless, on my mother’s side, the virginity of Guadalupe is not essential, given their religion. They instead criticize her popularity and question her significance to being considered a holy being. Understanding these sides made me feel conflicted about the virgin of Guadalupe. 

    Given that I am very familiar with her, I noticed other Latinx people are too. At times, I felt that my family was overly obsessed with her image and what she represented for Catholics and the Latinx communities. In some parts of South La, I came and continued to see murals of her. For some, like my family, she represents purity, but she represents protection and peace for others. Also, some none Latinx people in LA are familiar with her. The virgin of Guadalupe represents different aspects for people, yet her image is well known.

An image my cousin took on her trip to Jerusalem in 2019.

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