Monday, October 11, 2021

Virgin de Guadalupe - Avril Rincon

The Virgin de Guadalupe personally doesn't have much of a significant meaning to me as it does with my peers, but growing up in a Latinx community, I have become very familiarized with her. In my community there is this catholic church that does a parade every year where they carry the Virgin de Guadalupe on an altar and sing songs, while people dressed as apaches dance with drums and maracas. I see her image painted on a couple of Mexican restaurants as well, a display of art that I believe helps them believe that their business will prosper.

My parents initially grew up Catholic when they were young, so they used to have pieces of art of her displayed throughout their homes in Mexico - I believe my dad had her on a golden chain once. My mom was more well-versed in this area, so she would in addition go to misa every week and pray to her. But upon arrival to the US, my parents converted to Christianism and the Virgin de Guadalupe no longer was a significant figure in our household, but now rather the cross and Jesus Christ. Growing up Christian myself, my perspective towards the Virgin de Guadalupe is what the Bible says, a woman who gave birth to Jesus, His mother here on Earth. Besides this, she doesn't really hold a position of praise or faith in my family, as we were taught from the Bible that the only being worthy of worship is God Himself.

Living in LA though, it is nice to see the interpretations that people have of Virgin Mary displayed throughout the city, whether that be with murals, sculptures, or even clothes. In the stores I also see her on candles and calendars. I think this was probably my first exposure to her, as I didn't grow up in a Catholic church, so I never really saw her up in a church altar until years later when we were invited to a Catholic wedding. Overall, I respect her person and recognize that she plays an important role in the character development and identities of many people in my community.

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