Saturday, November 22, 2014

letter to Laura Molina

Dear Laura Molina,

                            I fell in love with your Naked Dave series instantly. I think it was a clever and sassy idea  to depict Dave as various incarnations. I understand that these paintings were a result of a relationship that really affected you. In that sense, I can greatly relate to you. My question to you is, what were you emotionally feeling when you painted the series? I think that there is a common misconception where after a breakup, the woman is always the one that cries right after, sits all day at home, watches sad romantic films, and eats her emotions away. Maybe for you, the paintings were a form of liberating yourself, kind of like poking fun of the situation. In some of the paintings, I find a touch of humor which I really like. But the piece I love the most is Amor Alien. One of the first things I noticed about this painting is that Dave is not directly looking at you; he is looking towards space. I was wondering if you did this on purpose and wanted to tell the audience about a dynamic of the relationship. I interpret this as Dave was involved in the relationship with you, but he was not showing signs of affection or he did not show enough signs that he really wanted this relationship. I am also very curious as to why you decided to depict yourself as the alien and had Dave be the human. Why weren't you the human and Dave the alien? I interpreted this also as a way to tell your audience that maybe you felt like the two of you had very different personalities, interests, devotions etc. I am very glad that you used your talent to express and show your emotions about a man that affected your life so much. I think many women fall prey to that idea that we cannot move on without the man who broke our hearts. The fact that you used comedic relief in your paintings lets us know that you are not feeling sad and melancholic about it anymore. It is more like, now you feel comfortable enough to make fun of certain aspects of the relationship and that is what makes your series very awesome.
                                                                                               sincerely, Masia M.

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