Friday, December 12, 2014

Chicana Artists

            I learned about many different women artist, in my class. I did not even expect to learn about so many different types of ways people can use to create art, ways like printmaking which Professor Lopez works with, or using a laser along with a computer to create an image on a sheet of metal, like Carmen Lomas Garza. Art is something that I have been attracted to; I enjoy art because it challenges me in different levels. Art challenges my creativity along with me taking action to actually create a work of art. I first took this class because I knew it was going to be art related, and then I discovered that it was going to be about Chicanas only it made it even more interesting. It made it more interesting because in most of main stream media we learn about male artist; it does not matter if they are Chicanos or European. Furthermore learning about female Chicana artist made this class even more interesting and exciting to be in. I learned that Chicana artist have really worked hard against all the gender and racial oppression's that are in place against them, to defeat this oppression's Chicanas have worked hard. I also learned that a considerable of the Chicana artists are getting of age, and getting ready to retire or simply can no longer continue, on creating art due to their age and health issues. I know that more Chicanas are being educated as I write, but Chicanas need to be more involved in psychological work just like the Chicana artist I learned from in this class. I really enjoyed this class because it was challenging, it challenged my creativity and my critical thinking. 

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