Saturday, October 31, 2015

Blog Post Week 5: Stencil

The image that I chose for the cover of my sketchbook is of the zodiac sign of a Leo. Astrology might come off as a joke to some people, but to me, astrology is incorporated in my every day life. Before I go on about my day in the morning, I read what my daily horoscope has to say. When I was in high school, I was so scared to leave my house if my horoscope read that I was going to be having a bad day. Now I am older and wiser so I don't believe every word it says, but it is nice to have that fantasy that something spectacular is going to happen to you. I am a huge believer in astrology especially when it comes to love. I visited the observatory in LA when I was 9 and I fell in love with the stars. Since then I grew a fascination for the stars and wanting to learn more about their stories. I chose this image because I myself am a Leo which means that I am very stubborn, self-motivated, outgoing and since I am still rambling on about my qualities I guess you can say that like most Leos, I like to talk about myself as well. Astrology reading is a fun hobby of mine and that is why I wanted to represent this because not only does it represent my favorite past-time, but it represents me :)

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