Wednesday, October 28, 2015

For my stencil, I chose the image of a rose with a subtle twist. Roses have always been special in my family. They represent beauty, strength, and resilience. My grandmothers name was Rose, and I inherited that name too. Since we have been focusing on female artists in this class, I thought it would be fitting to use an image that honored a woman from my family. I have looked up to my grandmother since I was very young, and I hope that when I look at my notebook I can recall her wisdom and strength and then utilize that power in my own life. Instead of simply copying an image of a rose, I decided to make this stencil my own by changing the center of the rose to look like a female body. For my whole life, respecting and celebrating my body has been central to my understanding of self. We often see female bodies in hyper-sexualized contexts, and I thought that by placing an image of a female body that was not sexualized— or demure — I could subvert that narrative. This class has compelled me to think about gender and sexuality in a new way, and I hope that this cover reflects my past familial history as well as this new found consciousness. 

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