Friday, October 30, 2015

Week 5: Stencil Book Cover

    When I got assigned the task of picking a stencil to cover my book project, I knew that I wanted to chose something representative of my personal character. However, as you can tell in the image below, I ended up choosing two symbols. The acrylic painted images shown are of a sun in between two moons. The middle sun is an image I grabbed off of Google and the moon is a stencil that I carefully free handed. While these two shapes seem simple and common, there are many personal reasons for why I chose them specifically.
    The bright orange sun is symbolic for my mother. When I think of her, I think of an energetic, warm, and loving individual. Like the planets to the sun, whatever my family does ultimately revolves around my mom. Like the sun to every living organism on earth, she is the source of energy and support that was vital for my personal and physical growth. Not only that, but my mom has a tattoo of a sun. The moon on top of the sun is symbolic of my father. Naturally, I think of the moon as the opposite of the sun. While my mom and dad are both loving and warm people, their personalities are extremely opposite. While my mom is loud and crazy, my dad is more calm and laid back. Finally, the bottom moon on my book cover is symbolic for myself. People always tell me that I look exactly like my dad so I decided to have us represented by the same image. Also, I feel like the vertical line of the moon, sun, and then the moon again is very balanced and visually appealing.
    As an only child, I am extremely close to both of my parents. I feel like everything I am and all that I have is a result of their hard work and selflessness. They truly embody parents who put their needs second place to the needs of their child. When I am a parent, I hope to be just like them. For all of these reasons, I felt like it made great sense to put the most important people in my life on the cover.

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