Thursday, February 13, 2020

Week 6 Stencil

I had originally planned to do just the Dreamworks logo, but I did not just want to full on copy it so I wanted to add more (and in the process ended up copy more). I am not sure why I like the Dreamworks logo so much; I have always had this massive interest on the moon and the idea of being able to just chill on it seems cool. To me this logo always demonstrated a sort of "shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land among the stars" type of deal. I didn't want to just stencil the quote so I figured why not stencil the little boy who got to do both. I also have always really enjoyed the Calvin and Hobbes comics, in particular the "I'm Significant" strip. Calvin screams out to the universe, as though searching for meaning; ultimately in the last panel Calvin remains with his head up to the stars saying "screamed the dust speck." To me this is not so much of Calvin putting himself down but rather recognizing that there are more important/ greater things than a feeling of insignificance- because at the end of the day that feeling is a liar. This idea is also shared in another strip of the same comic that starts with "if people sat outside and looked at the stars each night, I'll bet they'd live a lot differently." I chose these two images (I wanted to add something from The Little Prince but figured that'd be too much) because they remind me that you should always strive to be and do your best, even if your best isn't your best day's best- and that's okay too; that's why I put this illusion of grandeur (the boy on the moon) against a feeling of insignificance (Calvin).

I actually ended up being pretty happy with how the image turned out so I'm really hoping that my stencil doesn't ruin it. I'm hoping to add the last panel of the "I'm significant" strip onto the back on the sketchbook at some point.

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