Thursday, February 13, 2020

WK 6: Sketchbook Cover

For the cover of my sketchbook I will be placing a skencil of a chili pepper. Growing up I never would have considered myself artistic, and if I ask my mom if she was artistic she would start to explain how bad at art and drawing she is. Growing up I thought I wasn't a good artist, but one form of artistry that I learned from her is cooking. The word "culinary" is defined as something related to, or connected with, cooking or kitchens. Cooking is the process of preparing food and meals that will be eaten or the food served to other people. Food can stimulate not just your eyes, but also your taste. My mom seven days a week, usually two meals a day would always have food prepared. It was never frozen or processed, yet always delicious. I remember all the salsas, moles, enchiladas, tortillas etc. that she would all make from scratch. I would watch her in awe as she would dance through the kitchen, perfectly crafting a recipe. This then got passed down to me. I love to cook and make up random recipes, it has been my type of art. The chili pepper signifies the heat that was placed in many of my moms recipes subsequently, I can never eat any food without it being spicy. While neither my mom or I would consider ourselves artists, you can find the art in anything, and for us that is cooking and eating and sharing this beautiful ritual.

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