Thursday, February 13, 2020

WK 6: Sketchbook stencil

For the cover of my sketchbook, I'll be creating a stencil of one of my plantitas. Most likely a ruby ficus elastica or a monstera adansonii. I've chosen to focus on a plant stencil because I have a deep love for plants. I'm a pretty big nerd when it comes to house plants and have a gorgeous collection. It's really been within the last two years or so of my life that I've dedicated so much energy and time to tend to my plants, it's also a way of caring for myself. However, I actually never really would draw elements of nature such as plants or trees up until this class. I've been trying to build my muscle more of sketching from life, so naturally, I've been drawn to sketching when I'm surrounded by nature. As an ode to that shift, I'll be developing a stencil of either a single plant or different variations of foliage.

I've attached a photo with one of my ruby ficus elastica and another of one of my monstera adansonii.

1 comment:

  1. These are beautiful! I have a peace lily at home that I adore, just starting it's first bloom. Will probably branch out and try getting more indoor plants when I live somewhere with more space.
