Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Lopez, Audrey (Audrey)

Hello everyone! My name is Audrey Lopez. My preferred gender pronouns are She/her/hers and I go just go by "Audrey." As a Chicana myself, I am excited to learn about Chicana artists and see their works. I am physiological sciences major but enjoy learning about art and getting to try my hand at it myself. 
                This week’s reading, "Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?" by Linda Nochlin brought up some interesting points on why women seem to be absent within the art realm throughout history. The fact that White men are so often the producers and consumers of art creates a false history of the art world because the history itself is written by white men. Same type of phenomenon happens in the sciences too; where men (especially white men) receive so much credit for discoveries and the women go unnoticed. The reading also made a point that women were less likely to become artist because they never had the opportunity. I do believe it is highly unlikely people are just born with the ability to paint like Picasso. Women not being able to even get an art education creates a roadblock for them to reach full artistic potential. I liked how the author compared the lack of opportunity for women to the same lack of opportunity for colored people. I feel like this is important in understanding how Chicano or Latin women of color had even less opportunity to become artists than either category separately. The lack of opportunity makes the rise of Chicana artists, as discussed in the Vinegas’ essay, even more powerful.

1 comment:

  1. Interestingly, Picasso's full name was Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso. His father Jose Ruiz y Blasco was an artist and an art instructor. Picasso grew up with continued art instruction. Supposedly, his first art instruction was at 7 years old.
