Friday, February 21, 2020

Guadalupe Rosales, 2020 Presentation artist

For my presentation, I chose to talk about Guadalupe Rosales. She created an Instagram account, where she shares images of photographs taken before social media began. She began the Instagram page with some of her photographs; then, she started to receive pictures from many people who came across her platform. She did this project that later became a gallery. People could submit their photos about people they missed, and that represented the life of women, especially in the community of Los Angeles. She became famous, and her work was published in magazines and got transferred into a real-life gallery. For Guadalupe Rosales, this project was important because when she was twenty years old, she moved to New York, where she disconnected from everyone in her life. She decided to make these decisions because many things in her life were changing. One of her close cousins was killed at a party due to gang violence. This experience led her to disconnect from her family and move out. She realized that she missed her family, but Rosales did not have communication with them, so she started to research things on the internet to keep up with news and reconnect with her community, but she would not find anything. All she saw were misrepresentations of her community. She had the idea of creating an Instagram account, and since then, it has become prevalent with over 200k followers. In the present, she continues her work, and she also organizes car shows at different events. She has also presented in different places, including UCLA, museums, and other public institutions.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maria,
    I think your artist choice is super cool! I love how she shows all these images that are some that look like they belong to my family. I think that her work signifies an era within a modern era that is through social media. I like how she became famous from what once was a common thing within our community is now valued as an art form. This represents the power of social media as she found a sense of community in her longing for her family.
