Friday, February 21, 2020

Week 7

  The artist I chose is Sienna Gonzalez a 21 year old fourth year art major. Sienna is an extremely talented artist from artist from San Jose California. She is also a business woman and sells prints of her very beautiful art pieces , which I plan to buy when I actually get money. :) Sienna tends to favor bright vivid colors to use in her work and doesn't shy away from detail. She tends to include birds because their quirky nature and finds them extremely enjoyable to create because they do not have to look a specific way. I chose this piece from my presentation because I really enjoyed her use of color and the fact that each portion of the piece represented a different piece or her even the colors she chose. This is the reason this piece is titled "Self-Portrait. She told me each portion of the work from the girl to the color yellow all represented a different iteration of herself. I like how she she drew it in a way that mad it seem as to give it a color pencil? crayon effect rather than using the digital techniques such as copy and paste and mirroring. I also this it is important that she included the bird in her piece because I think that this would not have been a self portrait without them. She includes birds in almost all of her drawings/ paintings so if she didn't it wouldn't have been have such a true feel to it.

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