Monday, February 15, 2021

Week 6 Blog Post

 Rasquachismo is a term I have never heard before this class, but it was very interesting to read about. As described by Tomas Ybarro-Frausto, Rasquachismo is an "underdog perspective" and is "An attitude rooted in resourcefulness and adaptability yet mindful of stance and style. The way that I interpreted Rasquachismo is that it is not something you can merely read about to fully understand it, but something that you have to experience in your own life. From the outside looking in, Rasquachismo can look intimidating and may be upsetting to those of higher classes, but this style is based on the difficult realities of many Chicanxs in these communities. Rasquachismo is a culmination of all the coping mechanisms that Chicanxs must use to survive in such a harsh environment, such as houses falling apart, bills being due, and working at a job that doesn't pay nearly enough. Rasquachismo is an essential tool to maintaining a little bit of sanity when the world around you is crumbling.

The term Rasquachismo derives from the term "rasquache" which was used to describe people of lower class and was meant as a term to both degrade and generalize people of lower class. However, the term was reclaimed during the Chicano movement, and though it still has vulgar connotations, it is no longer necessarily a derogatory term. To exemplify Rasquachismo you have to be able to make the best out of whatever situation life throws at you. 

One thing that reminds me of Rasquachismo was how resourceful my grandmother always was. My family did not always have the money to buy me the nicest clothes, but my grandmother was a seamstress when she was younger and she always made sure that the clothes that were handed down to me fit me correctly and sometimes she would embroider logos onto them so that I would be able to show off my cool branded clothes. Rasquachismo lives in the most resourceful Latinxs and it is something that you have to experience to truly understand.

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