Monday, January 18, 2021

Week 3 Post: Artist Barbara Rivera

 Barbara Rivera is a self-taught artist from San Jacinto, California. Daughter of a political refugee from Cuba and a Mexican immigrant, she recalls her beautiful yet challenging upbringing. She grew up with an older sister and two younger brothers. The constant love and support she received from those around her contributed to her delightful childhood, making her unaware of the family’s economic struggles. Still, she faced many hardships. In 2001, she lost her father to a tragic car incident along with her sister and brother-in-law. Her father was a great motivation for her and she made sure to include his values in her work after his passing.

Rivera’s love for the arts began at an early age and persisted over the years. She recalls doodling during class as a child. It wasn’t until high school that she actually took courses relating to drawing and painting. As Rivera got older and began working as a high school secretary full time, she still enjoyed coming home to paint during her free time. During her forties, after her kids went off to college, she was able to realize her passion for painting. With the support of her family, she nourished this dream which would eventually take off as a professional career.

Moved by her surroundings, Rivera works towards expressing the energy of the world around her with the use of vibrant colors. She takes much inspiration from her cultural heritage, life, and nature which she aims to capture in her paintings. She also enjoys exploring events or fairs to feed her creativity. Oftentimes, she photographs children and other adults to later use in her work. Rivera also hopes to inspire others to think about their journeys through life and feel encouraged to share them.





  1. Before having fully read your post about Barbara Rivera, I immediately noticed the bright and vibrant colors of Rivera's art. I appreciate how she utilizes photography to support her art projects as she can later reference photographs taken at a different time.
    It's encouraging to see that as an adult, Rivera was able to pursue her love for art by pursing a career as an artist. I find her art thought-provoking and powerful.

  2. Unfortunately, I believe this artist has already been selected by a classmate. Please double check the blog. Prof. Lopez
